The Journal

Thoughts, downloads, dialogues, & discussions on nature, intuition, cycles, creativity, and transformation.

Winter Solstice Blessings & Rituals

The Winter Solstice is a metaphor for the liminal time before the light returns. It is is a portal. It is a yes/and. It is saying goodbye to the year. We process the hard, hard lessons we...

Season Syncing: How To Make Seasonal Resolutions

Seasonal Syncs, aka seasonal resolutions, are a framework and practice that will help you attune to nature and invite in more ease, and yes, even more synchronicities. Making seasonal resolutions can help you achieve your goals and...

Spell Ideas For The New Moon

The New Moon lunar phase is a generative time for planting seeds, going inward, changing your mind, and making magic. Give yourself space to dream with rituals and spell work try these New Moon spells and...

Why Is It So Hard To Rest?

The winter season reminds us of rest. This is a time to turn within and tend to our roots — nature, in the Northern Hemisphere, is nudging us towards rest. And yet, it's never been...

September 2022 New Moon

Read Sarah Faith Gottesdiener's New Moon in Libra essay from the 2022 Many Moons Lunar Planner.

Autumnal Equinox Blessing

The Autumnal Equinox is a time of harvest, reflection, and celebration. Take stock of all you've achieved so far and all that you're ready to grow into. Celebrate the Fall Equinox with a blessing by...

How to Create a Spiritual Practice

How do you create a spiritual practice? Sarah Faith Gottesdiener shares her insights into building a magical and practical spiritual practice, including prompts and suggestions to help you construct your own.