The Journal

Thoughts, downloads, dialogues, & discussions on nature, intuition, cycles, creativity, and transformation.

April New Moon

Happy April New Moon! For some of us, spring has unfolded. The ice is thawing and melting. We're coming out again. We are in growing and planting season in the Northern Hemisphere. What will you...

New Moon in Pisces

Hello hello! Happy Moonday! Happy eve before the New Moon in Pisces. From my 12 Moons Workbook: “When the sun and moon are in the same sign, I think of it as getting a double-dose...

New Moon in Sagittarius: Truth in Action

Hello hello hello! Happy New Moon in Sagittarius, the last lunar fresh start we have of 2015. (Although a fresh start exists for us in every inhale/exhale we have, if you want to get technical...

New Moon In Scorpio: The New New Transformation

New Moon in Scorpio: The New New Transformation On Wednesday, November 11th, at 9:47 AM PST there is a lovely New Moon in Scorpio. This new Moon trines Chiron and Jupiter is sextile to the...

Libra New Moon : Lightness into Dark

Libra New Moon : Lightness into Dark October is a special month: the summer is officially over, the veils are thinner. The magic of Samhain and Halloween at the end of this make us think...

New Moon in Virgo : Solar Eclipse Edition

If you were in Africa, Antarctica, or floating in the Indian Ocean last night, maybe you saw the new moon solar eclipse. For the rest of us, it wasn't visible, but maybe you felt it...

Practical Magic for the New Moon : 1

Practical Magic for the New Moon It never fails—during and after a new moon, I often hear people talking about about feeling tired, overly emotional, irritable, and generally out of sorts. Why is that, when...